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Power Band exercise rubbers - Resistance rubbers

( number of products: 14 )

Exercise rubber bands DBX BUSHIDO® (Power Band)

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Training rubbers DBX BUSHIDO type Power Band enable comprehensive training of the entire body. They are an excellent instrument for speed, performance and strength training. Exercise rubbers are also often used for stretching and rehabilitation exercises. They can also be successfully used to assist during pull-ups on the bar and other exercises that require assistance. The presented rubbers are made of excellent quality latex, so they are resistant to tearing and loss of their properties during intensive workouts.


Power Band exercise bands

Power Band exercise rubbers are 208 cm long rubber bands enclosed in a circle. Rubbers of this type are used both for general training to improve motor characteristics and in strength training and calisthenics.


Mini Band exercise bands

These are exercise rubbers that are much smaller in size than power bands. Their length is 61 cm and, like power band elastics, they are enclosed in a circle increasing training possibilities. Rubbers of this type are mainly used in mobility training i.e. focused on solving pain problems, preventing injuries, improving mobility, flexibility of muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints.



Power band - what color/resistance to choose?

The resistance of the rubbers should be selected according to the specific exercises and the capabilities of the trainee. In most cases, however, the selection is as follows:

  • Power Band 13 - Exercises that require a light load (areobics, rehabilitation)
  • Power Band 22 - Exercises requiring medium load (dynamic and endurance training)
  • Power Band 32 - Exercises that require high load (strength and endurance training)
  • Power Band 44, 64 and 83 - Exercises that require very heavy loads (such as deadlifts, barbell presses) and as an assist during pull-ups on the bar and calisthenic exercises.



Power band elastics for pull-ups on a bar - what color/resistance?

When choosing a training rubber for pull-ups, it is important to remember that the greater the resistance of the rubber, the more it will relieve the strain during training. When guiding your choice of rubber, consider your weight and level of sophistication. For beginners, it is recommended that the resistance of the rubber be about 20-30 % weight of the trainee. Such a load when pulling up on a bar will make it easier to acquire the correct technique for performing the exercise.



Which exercise rubber bands we recommend?

Which exercise rubber bands will prove helpful in your workout depends on your level of training (the resistance the rubber band provides) or the form of exercise (here, power band or mini band exercise rubber bands will prove helpful in various exercises).In an effective and versatile workout, you should definitely use both types of rubber bands As you progress, you'll quickly begin to notice that lightweight rubber bands no longer provide enough resistance, so it's a good idea to equip yourself with sets of exercise rubber bands. Thanks to them, you will always have on hand a rubber with a resistance that will be adequate for your current level of training.



How to exercise with rubber bands?

Want to know what exercises with power bands and mini bands will prove to be the most effective and allow you to develop and strengthen multiple muscle parts? Choose rubber bands with exercise sets prepared by our experts, thanks to which you will correctly perform a number of different exercises and develop muscles all over the body.



Advantages of exercising with rubber bands

The rubbers allow you to increase muscle resistance while performing an almost unlimited range of exercises you have previously performed using only your body weight. Increased training intensity will translate into faster noticeable results, and this, in turn, will further motivate you to work. Exercise rubbers, moreover, help to better stretch muscles and tendons. The advantage of this effect will be less susceptibility to injury, which occur most often when your body is overtrained and training intensity is at its highest.



Exercise rubber bands - help you perform exercises more easily

You can use exercise bands not only to increase the intensity of your training and muscle resistance. This is because resistance rubbers can also make it easier to perform specific exercises. This is desirable, for example, in the situation, when you want to master the correct technique of a particular exercise or are recovering from illness or injury.The rubber will reduce the effort your muscles face, such as during pull-ups or performing push-ups on handrails (also known as dips). They attach the resistance rubber to the bar or handrail and stretch it with their foot when lowering themselves. During the upward movement it will do some of the work for your muscles. In this way, you can prepare yourself technically and strength-wise to perform these exercises properly without help.



Exercise rubber - develop deep muscles

Resistance exercise rubbers will not only enable you to train your skeletal muscles. They also noticeably increase the effectiveness of deep muscle strengthening exercises, which are responsible for adopting the correct posture. An upright posture is extremely important both in terms of achieving satisfying sports results, as well as having a positive effect on overall fitness, well-being and health. If you want to strengthen your deep muscles with exercise rubbers, choose rubbers with less resistance, since precision of movement is most important in these exercises. In addition, the deep muscles are weaker, so less resistance will be appropriate for them.



See also: Expanders and training harnesses, speed and pitch resistors.


