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Boxing wrist wraps and bandagesowijki bandaże bokserkie

In our offer you can find both traditional boxing wraps made of cotton like alternative to wraps inner gloves for extra cushioning during impacts. We also recommend wrist stiffeners - Wrist Wrap which will further stiffen and protect your wrists during strikes or other strength exercises.




Boxing wraps - cotton or elastic?

Opinions on the subject are divided and a lot depends on individual tastes. Elastic bandages adhere better to the hand and are less likely to dislodge when wrapped poorly, but opponents of their use believe that when wrapped too tightly they impede blood flow in the hand. Which type to choose depends mainly on the insertion technique and individual needs. Both types of wraps perform a similar function, that is, they stiffen the hand and protect the gloves from getting sweaty.


Boxing bandages - how long?

The standard length used by most trainers is a 4m wrap. This is the optimal length for good protection of an adult's hand. For children, a length of 3 m is sufficient.


Boxing wraps or inner gloves?

Inner gloves are a more comfortable alternative to boxing bandages. They are comfortable and quick to put on. Like the wraps, they protect the gloves from sweating and stiffen the hand to increase training safety. Most models of inner gloves have an additional layer of foam or gel improving impact absorption.


Boxing bandages - the best solutions from DBX Bushido

At DBX Bushido, we make sure that all combat sports athletes, including professionals, get boxing wraps that guarantee safe and comfortable training. What are the advantages of the flexible boxing bandages we offer?

  • Our flexible boxing wraps are made from a blend of cotton and polyester. Thanks to this combination of materials they adhere very well to the hand and maintain optimal flexibility.
  • They are equipped with a strong velcro, so they they stay on the hand very well. Additional thumb clip makes them easy to put on.
  • They are dyed using a specialized method that prevents discoloration of the material and staining of leather and inner parts of gloves.
  • Flexible boxing bandages made of 100% cotton are also available, so they guarantee very good moisture absorbing properties.


Gel gloves - an alternative to boxing wraps

You can replace the elastic boxing wraps with gel gloves that you put on your hands to insulate them from direct contact with training gloves. It is popular for its the speed and ease of putting on, as well as the improved cushioning of the impact force, making training very comfortable and safe for the hands. Additional long Velcro also allows you to effectively stiffen the wrist, nullifying the risk of injury at a level equivalent to boxing wraps. They are made from a blend of polyester and cotton, guaranteeing a pleasant feel, no chafing, and resistance to tearing.


Wrist brace - train safely and reduce the risk of injury

Training loads carry an immediate risk of injury or the formation of overlapping micro-injuries, which can lead to more serious conditions that prevent you from training effectively. In DBX Bushido you will find wrist stiffeners made of a blend of polyester and cotton - such material very effectively stiffens the wrist during training, and also guarantees high resistance to abrasion and easy cleaning. An additional thumb grip stabilizes the brace, keeping it properly on the hand.Wrist stiffeners from DBX Bushido very often turn out to be an indispensable item during strength training.


See also: Boxing gloves, boxing platforms, reflex boxing balls

