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Boxing relex ball - what types are there and which one to choose?

Boxing relex ball - what types are there and which one to choose?

We offer reflex balls, which are essential equipment used during training in boxing or other martial arts.
Reflex ball allows you to effectively practice bouncing and improves the speed and accuracy of strikes. Exercises performed on this device are designed for both amateurs and experienced athletes.

Key features of reflex, boxing balls

Boxing reflex ball works great in the training room, gym and at home. It absorbs shocks well, making training safe. Bushido boxing balls are sturdy, precision finished in several different sizes. The available products are made of high-quality top-grain leather, making the equipment long-lasting. An additional advantage is that the material can be cleaned easily and quickly. Detachable carabiner and tool extensions make it easy to install in the location of your choice.

Reflex ball or punching bag - what to choose?

Reflex ball is not the same as a punching bag. The differences can be seen with the naked eye, the most important of which is the shape of both training devices. The ball has a distinct sphere shape, while the pear, as the name suggests, is shaped like a popular fruit. The form influences the type of exercises performed. Reflex ball is mainly used to practice reflexes, which simulates the reaction of the opponent and improves coordination during combat. This is a great alternative to training with a classic bag. Exercises with the ball strengthen muscles, increase reaction speed and dynamics of strokes. According to many professionals, with the help of a boxing reflex ball, you can also learn to to effectively maintain distance, and that in martial arts is a key element. Training on this device increases the speed and agility of the athlete and improves overall fitness and coordination of movements.

How to train on a reflex ball - boxing ball?

See in the video below how to properly prepare the reflex ball for training and what mistakes to avoid when practicing on it

What are the types of reflex balls - boxing balls?

Balls may vary in size and shape. The rule is simple - the bigger the ball the easier the training on it and vice versa - the smaller the more difficult because we have a smaller target for our strokes.

Reflex balls can also differ in shape, a certain variation of the reflex ball is the following double reflex ball, which allows striking at 2 heights.

See in the video below the principle of training on such a ball:

Another variety of reflex balls are horizontal balls. These balls differ in that they have longer expanders that allow it to be mounted horizontally.

How to install the reflex ball?

Reflex balls are mounted on 2 sides, for mounting from the top you usually use ceiling slings, you can also tie the expander to some ceiling beam if you train in the attic and have such available. A bigger problem is mounting from below because we don't always have the option of mounting the bracket to the floor which often involves damaging it. The solution here can be any mobile load, we recommend the use of load anchor , which can be used not only to mount the ball but also any pears and punching bags.

Check out our range of reflex balls, with which you will improve your technique and reflexes. They make boxing training more interesting and, above all, more effective.

