Training with resistance bands is an effective method for developing strength, endurance and flexibility in martial arts training. The article discusses various exercises with resistance bands that can be performed to strengthen muscles, improve movement dynamics and increase hitting power. Experience how resistance bands can be a versatile training tool, adapting to your level of proficiency. Visit the site to learn more about the benefits of training with resistance bands and enrich your martial arts training with new challenges.
P1 - DBX Strength Harness - Speed Resistor - Training Harness - Wrestling Expander
P1 - DBX Strength Harness - Speed Resistor - Training Harness - Wrestling Expander
DBX Strength Harness
Speed Resistor + Training Harness
DBX Strength Harness is a device that combines the advantages of a speed resistor and a training harness.
The device consists of adjustable harnesses to which, depending on the type of training, either an expander or a tape can be attached.
When an expander is used, the device functions as a speed resistor and when a belt is used, it functions as a training harness allowing for pulling the load.
The device consists of rolled harnesses and a 2-meter expander (length after stretching is approx. 4 meters).
The harness is fastened at the front with a comfortable and durable buckle with a locking system to prevent accidental unfastening.
The flexible expander has steel carabiners on both sides, so the resistor can be attached (e.g. to a wall, ladders, etc.) for independent training. The expander is fully covered with thick polyester material to protect it against abrasion.
If the expander is replaced with a non-stretchable tape, the device functions as a training harness, enabling resistance to movement by pulling objects or assisting a training partner.
The tape and stretch expander can be used in conjunction with each other to increase coverage.
Technical parameters:
- harness size: universal/adjustable
- expander length: 2 - 4 meters
- tape length: 2 meters
- material: polyester, rubber
- Application: MMA, Wrestling, speed and dynamics training