Weight belt - Dip Belt - increase the load

The weight belt (Dip Belt) adds extra weight to us, making all the exercises we perform much more effective.
Why you should buy a weight belt- DIP Belt
Load belt is used during exercises that traditionally use one's body weight, such as pull-ups on a bar or Swedish push-ups.
On the chain, which is attached to the belt, weights are hung , which allows you to quickly and conveniently adjust its weight.
Construction of the load belt
The most important part of the training belt is a strong construction, preferably fastened with a buckle. The use of a buckle prevents the belt from slipping both during exercise and when changing the load.
When buying a Dip Belt, pay attention to what material it is made of - we strongly discourage all kinds of varieties of synthetic leather which tends to crack and does not provide adequate durability .
In our Bushido weight belts we have used the same material that is used in the production of our punching bags, that is the patented multilayer plawil. This material is very durable and easy to clean.
The place that is most vulnerable to damage is the attachment of the chain to the belt.this is where triangular grips work best, distributing gravity evenly over the entire surface of the belt.
Convenience counts!
The proper shape of the belt ensures that even training with a heavy load will not be a problem for us. Pay attention to whether the fabric inside the belt is soft to the touch, as it is in direct contact with your body and too stiff plastics can cause chafing and discomfort during training.
Belt with weight adjustment
An alternative to the traditional " >dip belts, that require additional loading are self-loaded belts.
In our offer you can find just such a belt loaded with 10 weights that allow smooth adjustment of weight in the range of 1-10 kg.
See our range of weight belts>>