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The best preparations for muscle growth - how to choose the right one for us?

The best preparations for muscle growth - how to choose the right one for us?

People who have decided to lose fat and build muscle mass often do not realize that training and diet alone are not enough. The body is unable to function properly when we do not provide it with all the nutrients - both in terms of micro and macronutrients. For this reason, you should be interested in dietary supplements that can be used to accelerate muscle growth. Today, their selection is so large that it is difficult to figure out which are the most valuable. On top of that, there is a huge amount of advertising and conflicting opinions on various measures on online forums.

In this article, we will describe six very well-studied and researched preparations that will allow you to build strong muscles and stay in above-average shape.

BCAA amino acids ? muscle strengthening

A very common problem during training, is the appearance of muscle pain and fatigue, without the expected results in the form of weight loss and impressive biceps. If you have encountered this, you should use preparations containing BCAAs. Branched-chain amino acids taken before and after training, effectively reduce muscle soreness and allow you to train longer, with better results. With these, you can reduce the feeling of fatigue and burn more fat.

The most important action of these amino acids is to improve muscle recovery.

Creatine ? better muscle pump

Want to increase your strength and dry muscle mass? Creatine is a solution you can't pass up. Creatine improves growth hormone secretion, reduces catabolism and allows you to train much longer without feeling tired. There are several forms of creatine, which differ in assimilability and effect. Most people start its use with the traditional, proven monohydrate. The safe dose is about 3 grams of creatine per day.

Protein in the form of bars and powders ? muscle builder

If the world were perfect, each of us would have time to eat a wholesome meal rich in protein before and after training. Unfortunately, but this is not the case and therefore, it is worthwhile to provide protein in other ways. A quick solution is to take it in the form of protein bars or powders to dissolve in water. The plus side of the bars is that they can be eaten in almost any situation. It's not a perfect meal, but a protein bar is still much healthier than fast food or regular sweets. If you have access to running water, you can make yourself a quick protein shake.

Protein takes several hours to digest, so you don't feel such strong hunger.

CLA conjugated linoleic acid ? eliminate fat

People who train at the gym often make the mistake of avoiding eating all fats. It turns out that eliminating an important fat, such as CLA, from your diet can significantly worsen the effects of training. CLA is a fatty acid that helps reduce body fat and increase muscle tissue. This was confirmed by a study conducted on a large group of participants in Wiscousin (USA). Those who took it and followed a moderate diet lost an average of 3 kilograms more weight than those who did not take it. Equally important are omega-3 acids, responsible for weight loss and the condition of blood vessels.

Glutamine ? eliminate sourdough

One of the most discouraging symptoms after a workout is feeling ill, reminiscent of an illness. If it also appears in you, it may indicate a glutamine deficiency, even leading to muscle inflammation. Glutamine is an amino acid responsible for transforming nitrogen in the body, regulating glycogen levels and enhancing performance and muscle growth. Despite the fact that it is an exogenous substance, people who exercise should additionally supplement its deficiency.

Multivitamin preparations ? take care of all the processes in the body

If you work out at the gym, it is very likely that your body has a much higher need for vitamins than other people. If your diet is not ideal (and this is the case in most cases), a vitamin deficiency occurs, inhibiting muscle growth. In such a situation, neither longer and more intensive exercise nor increasing your intake of protein, creatine and other nutrients will help you. In addition to a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, support yourself with vitamins in pill form.

What to follow when choosing preparations for trainers?

First of all, on the dose of active substances and on their absorption capacity. A good example is preparations containing protein ? in many of them, you will find a lot of carbohydrate fillers. There are also proteins that contain almost 100% easily absorbed amino acids. The various forms of different formulations also differ in absorption (for example, creatine orotate usually absorbs better than ?ordinary? monohydrate).

It is worth testing various preparations for strengthening the body and choose the ones that give the best results.
