TRX straps - a revolution in total body training

What are TRX tapes and what are they used for?
TRX is a training method that uses the body weight of the trainee. This is the so-called Suspension Training or TRX Suspension Trainer, in which the basic equipment used is a Y-shaped lunge made of durable polymer bands. Now used by soldiers in the U.S. military, police forces, athletes and increasingly by fitness enthusiasts. Suspension training was invented by former U.S. Navy SEALs commando Randy Hetrick, who was looking for an ideal device that was small in size, easy to transport, and offered the opportunity to conduct effective training to strengthen and improve the physical fitness of soldiers. Initially, he used carrying straps for rifles and military equipment of various kinds, and after many trials, he determined the length of the straps and connected them accordingly, giving rise to the currently used TRX strap training.
Suspension training using TRX straps involves the trainee pulling himself up and performing a variety of exercises to exercise multiple muscle groups. During most of the exercises performed, the trainer grasps the ends of two risers with both hands, while the third must be attached to a stable point. This workout allows you to stimulate the entire body, and importantly, above all, it stimulates the stabilizing muscles.

When training on TRX bands, many muscle groups are exercised, as it is impossible to isolate only one specific group. The main benefits that TRX strap exercises bring, in addition to improving overall fitness, are the strengthening of ligaments, which are most vulnerable to injury. This training is similar to gymnastic training, except that in this case the feet or hands are always in contact with the ground. This training is extremely demanding and the technique is of considerable importance in this case. However, it towers over other forms of exercise because of its ability to comprehensively exercise the body and stimulate muscles that work with far less intensity during other workouts. In addition, you can practice anywhere there is the possibility of stable attachment of the tape.
TRX strap exercises:

- tRX supports:
Starting position: position the straps at mid-calf length, putting the feet in the handles, with the toes pointing downwards. Lay on your stomach, shoulders resting on the floor, body lifting upward. The legs together with the torso should be in an even horizontal line, parallel to the ground. When performing the exercise, the abdomen and back should be tense. Rounding of the spine or lowering of the hips below the horizontal line must not be allowed. Control your breathing at all times and keep your body parallel to the ground in a horizontal line. To make it more difficult, you can assume a position like for push-ups, resting your hands on the ground, with your feet on the TRX.

- tRX abdominal abduction:
Starting position: assume a supporting position on the forearms. Links to mid-calf, and feet resting on TRX. Draw the knees to the chest while lifting the hips and making an exhalation, then slowly return to the starting position. To make it more difficult, you can lean on your hands alone.

- push-up with feet on TRX:
Starting position: assume a handstand position. Feet resting on TRX, pointing with toes downward. Links set at mid-calf height. The legs and torso should be parallel to the ground, while the hands should be spread wide apart. Perform a push-up, lowering the chest as low as possible to the ground and straighten the arms while making an exhalation.
This is just a sample of the sample exercises out of the more than 300 that can be performed with TRX straps, based on the so-called suspension training.
See the following videos for other sets of exercises using TRX straps
A video showing 71 TRX strap exercises . The exercises have been divided into different parts of the body.
Example of training with TRX bands in the open air. Train wherever you are.