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Effective workout on a skipping rope - Check out our suggestions!

Effective workout on a skipping rope - Check out our suggestions!

Effective training on a skipping rope

Skipping rope is a training equipment that virtually every person who practices any martial arts is familiar with. We used this inconspicuous device as children to play with. Now, unfortunately, most people have forgotten about him. It's a shame, because jump training brings numerous benefits and, above all, very good results. In this article I will introduce you to effective methods of working on the jumping and I will tell you why it is worth using it not only in combat sports, but also in recreational training. I invite you to read!

Skipping rope - which one to choose?

Skipping rope is a very simple training device that consists of a rope and two handles to which it is attached. However, there are many types of this equipment on the market. So the question is how to choose the right one for you?

Several factors will be important during the selection.

  • The first is the length of the.
Too short skip will prevent us from training. Too long, on the other hand, will severely hamper it. In order to adjust the length skipping rope just stand on the rope of both knives and pull the handles along the body. The line should allow us to stretch the device to about where our bridge begins. This length will provide us with optimum usability. Another aspect of choosing a skipping ropes is whether its length can be adjusted. To do this, we usually have the ability to open the handles and trim the line.
Note, once the line is cut, it will not be possible to lengthen it again.

  • Type of handles
Being at the handles, it is worth mentioning to choose such equipment that offers handles with bearings. The cable then protrudes from the center of the handle. This is definitely better than what the old-fashioned ones offered skipping ropes. It involved attaching a cable to a metal spike, which in turn was screwed into a wooden handle. The screw had slack left allowing the spike to rotate. Bearing handles are firstly a more convenient solution, and secondly much more durable.

  • Type of line
Another aspect of choosing a skipping ropes there is a line from which the device is made. We can distinguish skipping ropes string, thong, metal and PVC plastic.
The string ones, unfortunately, are not suitable for professional training and are rather just a toy for children. Throwbacks, on the other hand, have long been used in combat sports. It was easy to change their weight after by soaking them in water. Their advantage is that when you hit yourself with it, for example, in the back, it will not be as painful as in the case of a metal cable.
Jumpers with metal rope are used most often in crossfit but can also be used successfully in martial arts psorts.they are also called speed jumps because they allow for easier double jumps and easier momentum.
Metal cables are easy to replace, their disadvantage, however, is that they rub through. A chafed cable may start to unravel and snag on the fabric of your clothes, for example, or scratch your skin and leave marks on the floor.
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To sum up the issue of choosing a skipping rope, the important thing is to choose the right length. Adjustments are usually not offered only by thong jumpers. Another aspect is the selection of the right line. Steel line with PVC cover is the most durable skipping rope. The disadvantage of the metal cable is that it breaks and rubs through. However, it can be replaced inexpensively, while selecting its thickness. All you have to do is go to the first better home improvement store and buy a line of the right thickness and length.

Also available on the market are so-called weighted skipping ropes, which weight is definitely higher than ordinary devices of this type. Weight gain can occur in three ways. The first and least practical is to use a thick and heavy line. I strongly advise against buying such a device. The second is the possibility of attaching an additional weight to the rope, which is located in the middle of the device. The last and in my opinion the most sensible is to use weighted handles. Weight skips will affect the rate of fatigue of our hands during training and the intensity of the session. this equipment should be selected for a specific purpose. For most people who train both martial arts and recreationally, the best solution is to buy a skipping rope with PVC sheathed cable.

Effects of training on a skipping rope

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The effect of training on skipping will be a definite reduction in body weight and improvement in fitness.

You can burn a lot of calories during a jumping session. It is for this reason that martial arts fighters can often be seen making weight while jumping around wearing thick sweatshirts. During training on a skipping rope practically the whole body works. Jumping gets all the muscles in motion. With this, we can improve our fitness, leg work and shed unwanted body fat.

For optimal training efficiency, we can even jump every day. Jump rope sessions can be considered as a form of cardio, an interval or part of a warm-up. It is worth remembering to keep a few rules that will support the results of our work.

  • First of all, we should make sure to wear clothes that do not restrict movement. Putting on pants or a T-shirt that are too loose can hook a rope over the clothing jumping rope which will cause frustration and falling out of rhythm.
  • Another aspect is the place of training. Jumping requires some space. We can't slap the ceiling or jump in a corridor that is too narrow. It will be firstly uncomfortable and secondly dangerous.
When using a skipping rope, technique is also important. It would seem that there is nothing easier than jumping. However, the truth is that most people are unable to properly coordinate their bodies during their first attempts at jumping. During the training, you should have an upright posture and relaxed joints. Do not jump on locked knees!

The effectiveness of our work will also be affected by the regularity of the. This is an aspect that I shouldn't actually even mention. Expecting results, train regularly over a period of time. Due to the possibility of appearing bored while jumping, I recommend learning to change the style. There are countless ways to jump. I will describe some of them below.

Effective fitness training

In order to increase your fitness, jump at a calm steady pace for an extended period of time. For example, for 20 minutes. During training at the boxing gym, we have more than once warmed up in this way. We were given a skipping rope, trainer would let go of time and return when it was over. This kind of jumping can be treated as the most ordinary cardio, the pace and intensity of which we impose on ourselves. In order to make such training more difficult, we can accelerate every 50 seconds for a maximum of 10 seconds. We then perform a sprint, which is a skip A on the skip. This form of jumping is relatively easy to learn.

Ten-second acceleration is also a short enough working time that we will be able to last 20 or even 30 minutes of jumping,Working time can be increased, but it should be done gradually.

Jumping will be an excellent alternative to running, especially in combat sports and for people who do not have much opportunity to find running routes.

Intervals on a skipping rope

Intervals on skipping may take different forms. Personally, I do a workout that is based on 10 series of maximum sprints lasting 15 seconds each, with 15-second breaks between them. To prepare the body for such an effort, I first jump at a slow and steady pace for 5 minutes. After a 1 minute break, performs 3 rounds lasting 3 minutes each of slightly more vigorous jumping. It is still calm, but may also include short accelerations. The breaks between these series are also one minute long. After the last series, rest another minute and set the timer.

The body will be properly warmed up and prepared for maximum work during the is a great method to raise the metabolic rate and the efficiency of the body. I recommend its use to all those who need to lose a few extra pounds in a short period of time, as well as people who want to improve their performance for sports competitions.

Ways to jump - different techniques

There are many different jumping techniques. The simplest is jumping up with both feet. A slightly more advanced one is jumping from leg to leg. While jumping, you can also perform all kinds of skips and even prances. Changes in technique during training help fight boredom and routine. They make training more attractive and time passes faster.
You can also try to learn to perform various tricks. In fistfighting, we most often perform entrances and exits from the jumping turning it all the time. You can also rotate the line to form loops around your body. I demonstrate some jumping techniques in the video below


Skipping rope is a very versatile training equipment that can be found in any gym. It is still unfortunately underestimated. Fortunately, those who train martial arts know its benefits.
The above jumping methods and techniques in the videos should help you arrange your training plan accordingly for your goals. I encourage you to incorporate skipping sessions into your workouts if you haven't already done so.

I guarantee that you will not regret it, and the results will surprise you.


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