Choosing boxing gloves - how to choose size/weight? | Fighter's facilities

What size and weight of gloves you need to choose for your needs?
When buying boxing gloves, you need to match their size to the individual requirements of the user. Beginning athletes often do not know what gloves will be best for them - for training on instruments and sparring. There are many types of them, so it is important to know the designations used by manufacturers of such solutions. The vast majority of gloves do not have a specific size, but their weight in ounces is given. One ounce corresponds to 28 grams. For example, if the gloves are 10 ounces, that means they weigh 280 grams. You still need to know the relationship between the weight of the gloves and their size, and how to fit them to the preferences of the person training combat sports.
Weight vs. glove size
What the weight of the glove depends on? It depends on the size of the cartridge it is filled with. Most of the gloves available on the Polish and world market are filled with foam castings. Different foams have different impact absorption. Less common are layer-filled gloves. Gloves in the smaller weight options - 6 oz, 8 oz or 10 oz - have a larger variation in the size of the inside of the liner, so here the weight of the glove really has an impact on its size. On the other hand, in options above 10 ounces, this dimension no longer changes so significantly, but the thickness and density of the foam insert, as well as its surface area, do change.
The internal dimensions between the different weights are already millimeter differences, which have little effect on whether the gloves will be suitable for larger or smaller hands. The various markings of boxing gloves should be interpreted in this way:
- 6 oz - For children between the ages of 6 and 9,
- 8 oz - For young people, women and people with small hands,
- 10, 12, 14, 15, 16 oz - for adult fighters.
Weight differences between gloves from 10 to 16 oz can be bridged with the use of boxing wraps.
Boxing glove use vs. weight options. Which weight option to choose?
The 10 oz gloves are provided for training on instruments, such as bags, shields and the like, as they allow to develop speed and dynamics. The 12 oz gloves are also suitable for training on instruments, but they are also good for people who train with a partner. They provide better cushioning of the force of impact, so they increase the safety of the sparring partner in various tasks. They are a good compromise between weight and impact force absorption. The 14 oz gloves are quite heavy, have a thicker foam insert, so they are excellent for sparring. Perfectly absorb the force of impact and make it easier to block blows when training with a partner. The same is true for boxing gloves 16 oz, which have a large size and considerable weight, so they are intended for sparring workouts, with a partner. It is worthwhile to consult with your trainer about what gloves are used at the club and which will be best for you.
Glove selection criterion - the user's training goal
If your training goal is to develop speed and dynamics, you should use lighter gloves, np. 10-unit. In the event that in a specific competition, the organizers mandate that athletes use 10 oz gloves, it would be good for the final stage of preparation for the struggle to also use this type of gloves and in this weight category. If you are developing endurance and strength or want to improve your fitness, use the heaviest boxing gloves available, e.g. 16 oz.
Some athletes use an extra load on the gloves, as this helps to increase the body's capacity and strength of the athlete. The training goal can change, so some of the players who compete in tournaments have several pairs of gloves in different weight options. The weight of the gloves may vary, depending on whether the athlete is at the beginning of preparations for competitions or at the end of such trainings. You need to follow a different criterion when you are training amateur boxing, and another when you are preparing to compete in competitions - then what matters most is the weight of the gloves and matching them to the training goals and preparation phase of the athlete.
Myths about the weight of boxing gloves
Several common myths that you can read, among others, on various online forums, unfortunately, can prevent you from choosing the correct weight of boxing gloves. What information on the subject should be taken into considerable consideration? The weight of the gloves should be matched to the weight of the athlete. This is not entirely true, because the weight of the gloves goes with the force of the impact, not with the weight of the user. The rule that the greater the weight of the athlete, the heavier the gloves should not apply. It is a myth. The weight of the gloves should be adjusted to the purpose of using them. If the most important thing is the safety of training, you should use heavy gloves that better absorb the force of impact. Do not use gloves when training on instruments.
Nowadays, in professional sports, the priority is to take care of one's safety, and when boxing without gloves, micro-injuries and injuries can occur that will exclude the athlete from training. Using such solutions is aimed at protecting your hands from micro-injuries and providing training comfort, which allows the athlete to practice the sport longer. It is necessary to train all the time with the heaviest possible gloves, as this allows you to develop better, greater hitting power. This is a myth, because this strength is affected by many factors, dynamics, speed, technique of delivering blows. Training with only the heaviest gloves possible can involve making mistakes and signaling strikes unnecessarily. Only during certain phases of training are heavy gloves advisable. However, the weight of the load should vary depending on what stage of training you are in.
How to keep your gloves clean? What to do when they smell bad?
After some time of using boxing gloves due to sweating hands, an unpleasant smell will start to come out of them. Sweat absorption into the gloves can, of course, be significantly reduced by using boxing bandages or inner gloves - but you probably won't be able to avoid the process completely. So what to do? First of all, remember to dry your gloves well after training - but do not leave them on a hot radiator as the material they are made of may crack. Dry gloves at room temperature - preferably in an airy place.
Another method used by many people is to put the gloves, for example, in the freezer overnight. Of course, it is important to remember to put the gloves in a plastic bag/reclamation box and not to move them after removing them from the freezer, leaving them to regain their elasticity completely (frozen skai/leather could crack). Such treatment should effectively eliminate the odor-causing bacteria.
You already know how to choose gloves
We believe that, thanks to our post, you know well what boxing gloves you need and you will not make mistakes when buying them. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to feel free to contact us to resolve them. You can find the equipment discussed in this post in our DBX Bushio store in the category boxing gloves.