You train in our equipment? Inspire others!
Take a photo during your training and tag our profile @dbxbushido.
Not only will we share your material on our social media increasing the reach of your post but if you agree we will publish it on our site providing tens of thousands of impressions promoting your profile.
How it works?
When you tag our @dbxbushido by publishing your post you will receive a notification and we will share your content on our profile.
In addition, if the photo / video is attractive we will ask in the comment below for permission to publish it on our website bushido-spor.en.
You can give your consent by writing back to our comment with content:
@dbxbushido #YesDBX.
With your permission we will share the photo on our site in the user gallery and with the production you showed in your photo or video.
What you gain?
We will increase the reach of your posts and the popularity of your profile, in addition, in exchange for sharing your photos, you can receive discounts on purchases from us (write to office@bushido-sport for this